We wouldn’t wish pain, suffering and catastrophe on anyone whether individual, community, nation or the world. But when these come along – as they inevitably will – there is nothing sadder than seeing people come out the other side unchanged by the experience, wasting that suffering, paying the price and gaining nothing for it.
The world has just crashed into a wall and. A serious rebuild is now required. This is the opportunity make changes – potentially radical changes. There is no easier time to do it when all our previous patterns have been disrupted.

Throughout the world billions of people have had to radically change the way we live at personal and community levels. The economy of all countries has been affected. There was a point where a barrel of oil was worth less than a toilet roll. Businesses have suddenly changed their production to medical support. Working practices have changed with a huge number of meetings moving online. Millions are working from home instead of trevalling into a workplace. Car use has plummeted. The roads are clear for swift road transport of essentials; and invdividuals cycling for pleasure or business. The air and water in our cities is very noticeably cleaner.
I am not the person to advise on HOW to shape the new economy and the new ways of living; but I am in a position to say use this opportunity creatively and wisely.